NFL Football Picks
Monday, December 25th 2023 4:30 PM
NFL Football Picks
Monday, December 25th 2023 4:30 PM
NFL Football Cappers Picks for New York Giants vs Philadelphia Eagles with Cappers winnings percentage for the last 7 days:
Bruce Marshall 31 % , Mike Tierney 75 % , Drew Martin 67 % , Smart Money Sports 35 % , Bender Wins 43 % , LVSB Total 67 % , Dwayne Bryant 44 % , Sal Michaels 100 % , Mark Ruelle 53 % , Michael Clark 67 % , Michael Clark 67 % , Daniel Vithlani 29 % , Wayne Root 32 % , Dwayne Bryant 44 % , Jeff Ma 33 % , The Champ 61 % , Craig Trapp 40 % , Josh Schonwald 47 % , Nicholas Earle 0 % , David Picks and parlays 50 % , Northcoast Sports 40 % , Emory Hunt 42 % , R.J. White 40 % , Mitch Wilson Video Picks 59 % , Mitch Wilson 44 % , Pete Prisco 61 % , Corey Ghee 0 % , Carmine Bianco 33 % , Andrew Ortenberg 33 % , Andrew Ortenberg 33 % , Nathan Beighle 53 % , Nathan Beighle 53 % , Sports Picks Forum 55 % , Vegas Insider 0 % , The Prez 38 % ,
New York Giants 14.0 (-110) AVG SPREAD W%: 49 ROI: -6
Josh Schonwald
W%: 49
ROI: -4
Wayne Root
W%: 45
ROI: -14
Nicholas Earle
W%: 46
ROI: -7
Andrew Ortenberg
W%: 50
ROI: -5
Sports Picks Forum
W%: 49
ROI: -7
The Prez
W%: 54
ROI: 1
Mike Tierney
W%: 51
ROI: -4
Bender Wins
W%: 50
ROI: -9
Philadelphia Eagles -14.0 (-110) AVG SPREAD W%: 50 ROI: -5
Emory Hunt
W%: 53
ROI: 0
R.J. White
W%: 50
ROI: -4
Mark Ruelle
W%: 52
ROI: -2
Michael Clark
W%: 50
ROI: -4
Pete Prisco
W%: 48
ROI: -8
Carmine Bianco
W%: 54
ROI: -4
Jeff Ma
W%: 44
ROI: -15
Northcoast Sports
W%: 50
ROI: -5
Dwayne Bryant
W%: 50
ROI: -5
The Champ
W%: 51
ROI: -7
Mitch Wilson
W%: 51
ROI: -2
Corey Ghee
W%: 53
ROI: -3
Nathan Beighle
W%: 49
ROI: -6
Vegas Insider
W%: 49
ROI: -6
Bruce Marshall
W%: 48
ROI: -6
Smart Money Sports
W%: 47
ROI: -9
Sal Michaels
W%: 53
ROI: 1
New York Giants 614
Philadelphia Eagles -846
UNDER 41.5 (-110)
AVG UNDER W%: 49 ROI: -7
David Picks and parlays
W%: 49
ROI: -6
Dwayne Bryant
W%: 50
ROI: -5
Daniel Vithlani
W%: 44
ROI: -16
Mitch Wilson Video Picks
W%: 50
ROI: -5
Andrew Ortenberg
W%: 50
ROI: -5
Drew Martin
W%: 48
ROI: -7
OVER 41.5 (-110)
AVG OVER W%: 49 ROI: -7
Michael Clark
W%: 50
ROI: -4
Craig Trapp
W%: 49
ROI: -5
Nathan Beighle
W%: 49
ROI: -6
LVSB Total
W%: 46
ROI: -12