NCAA Basketball Picks
Saturday, March 2nd 2024 1:00 PM
NCAA Basketball Picks
Saturday, March 2nd 2024 1:00 PM
NCAA Basketball Cappers Picks for Kansas vs Baylor with Cappers winnings percentage for the last 7 days:
AJ Hoffman 53 % , Steve Fezzik 44 % , Trent Pruitt 56 % , Trent Pruitt 56 % , David Racey 50 % , Vernon Croy 56 % , Worlds Worst Picker 40 % , Strike Point Sports 20 % , Goodfella 33 % , Rob Vinciletti 67 % , Lock Mamba 33 % , Robert Ferringo 59 % , Ben the Pen 100 % , Skip Snow 60 % , David Picks and parlays 45 % , Ron Romanelli 52 % , Corey Ghee 0 % , Mitch Wilson 44 % , Dre Richardson 0 % , Craig Trapp 50 % , Noah Parker 33 % , Noah Parker 33 % , Stephen Nover 45 % , Bruce Marshall 60 % , Kevin Thomas 47 % , Tony Sink 44 % ,
Kansas 4.0 (-106) AVG SPREAD W%: 49 ROI: -6
Baylor -4.0 (-113) AVG SPREAD W%: 50 ROI: -4
Ben the Pen
W%: 45
ROI: -15
Corey Ghee
W%: 53
ROI: -3
David Picks and parlays
W%: 49
ROI: -6
David Racey
W%: 50
ROI: -3
Lock Mamba
W%: 53
ROI: 2
Mitch Wilson
W%: 51
ROI: -2
Stephen Nover
W%: 49
ROI: -8
Bruce Marshall
W%: 49
ROI: -5
AJ Hoffman
W%: 51
ROI: -3
Worlds Worst Picker
W%: 46
ROI: -10
Ron Romanelli
W%: 50
ROI: -4
Dre Richardson
W%: 47
ROI: -11
Craig Trapp
W%: 49
ROI: -5
Kevin Thomas
W%: 52
ROI: 1
Steve Fezzik
W%: 54
ROI: -1
Vernon Croy
W%: 48
ROI: -4
Strike Point Sports
W%: 51
ROI: -3
W%: 54
ROI: -1
Rob Vinciletti
W%: 54
ROI: -0
Robert Ferringo
W%: 52
ROI: -0
Kansas 162
Baylor -185
UNDER 143.5 (-110)
AVG UNDER W%: 48 ROI: -8
OVER 143.5 (-110)